Filling the Gap: A Tribute To Those Lost In RC-E During The Spring 2011 Offensive -- Small Wars Journal
This video, and the footage contained in it, is courtesy of Doc Brit Jacobs. Doc was 3rd Platoon's medic, and was able to have his camera out for much of the fighting. Cougar Company was tasked with seizing and clearing the town of Sarwobay, Afghanistan. 10 km from t
This video, and the footage contained in it, is courtesy of Doc Brit Jacobs. Doc was 3rd Platoon's medic, and was able to have his camera out for much of the fighting. Cougar Company was tasked with seizing and clearing the town of Sarwobay, Afghanistan. 10 km from the Pakistan border, and a known Taliban stronghold. Cougar company air assaulted into the town, and immediately made contact with the enemy. The soldiers of Cougar company, with less than 50 infantrymen on the ground, were surrounded by 150 hardened Taliban fighters. Strong Eagle III was originally planned to take only 3 turned into a 9 day battle against the enemy and the terrain. In the end, we lost 6 brothers within Task Force NO SLACK. 4 of our fallen were Cougars. We will never forget SSG Frank Adamski, SSG Bryan Burgess, SPC Dustin Feldhaus, and PFC Jeremy Faulkner. Thanks to Doc Jacobs for helping us tell our story.
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