Iraq, U.S. To Discuss Extended Stay For Troops -- L.A. Times
Baghdad's decision comes on the same day Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, visits Iraq and warns that the U.S. needs to know soon whether a training mission will proceed.
Reporting from Baghdad — The Iraqi government agreed late Tuesday to start negotiations with U.S. officials on whether to authorize the U.S. military to remain in Iraq on a mission training Iraq's security forces after 2011.
The announcement came the same day that Adm. Michael G. Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited the country and warned that Washington needed a clear signal from Iraq about whether it would ask the American military stay on.
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Russian Navy to outflank rivals in secrecy and low noise by 2020 -- NewsBCM
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Hill Taiwan backers urge U.S. to close F-16 sale -- DoD Buzz
AF suspends ‘Jesus loves nukes’ training -- DoD Buzz
Revenge of the Nerd: Physicist Becomes Pentagon’s Top Deputy -- Danger Room
Counterintelligence, Computers and the Cloud -- Ares/Aviation Week
AP Exclusive: Timing of US drone strike questioned -- AP
Super Sensitive Small Missile Detector -- Strategy Page
A V-22 Carried bin Laden to the Vinson -- Defense Tech
State Dept. Leads Search for Ground-to-Air Missiles -- Ares/Aviation Week
Senate Panel Keeps ‘Secret Patriot Act’ Under Wraps -- Danger Room
Doing in defense: Cuts that result in a hollow force invite mischief from our enemies -- Frank J. Gaffney Jr., Washington Times
Will Agent Orange Hurt the U.S.–South Korea Military Alliance? -- Geoffrey Cain, Time
Will military spending bankrupt the U.S.? -- Tom Engelhardt, Salon
US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,575 -- AP
US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,473 -- Sacramento Bee/AP