Web wonders: Israel boasts one of the most successful incubators of cyber military technology in the world Photo: ALAMY
The War Being Waged On The Web -- The Telegraph
Senior politicians say Britain is falling behind in international cyberspace security and should turn defence into attack. But who would prevail in a global free-for-all?
In the past five years, cyber and telecommunications defence has left its niche market to become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. In 2011, governments, industry and ordinary computer users spent roughly £65 billion shoring up their computer networks, a figure that is predicted to double within five years.
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Syrian Rebels Use YouTube, Facebook for Weapons Training -- Danger Room
Russian arms cargo en route to Middle East -- UPI
MI6 chief Sir John Sawers told 'you're not in Spooks' and to stop 'bragging' over Iran nuclear claims -- The Telegraph
Russia Offers India Joint GLONASS Development -- RIA Novosti
Russia claims deal on rent-free military base in Tajikistan -- RT
A Plea for an Alliance-Based ‘AirSeaCyber’ Joint Operational Concept -- Defpro
Dempsey: Forming Partnerships Vital for Future Force -- US Department of Defense
Two Russian Strategic Bombers To Fly To United States In 2013 -- Radio Free Europe
U.S. Unveils Anti-Mine Operation Near Gulf -- Defense News
Pentagon: 20 nations plan exercise in Mideast -- Stars and Stripes/AP
Future USAF Acquisition To Focus On Pacific -- Defense News
Aircraft carrier USS Stennis going to Persian Gulf early, staying longer -- MSNBC
More Bad News For F-22’s oxygen system -- Defense Tech
DoD Acquisition Chief: Pentagon, Lockheed Still Working On F-35 Deal -- Defense News
First Air Guard Pilot To Fly F-35 Gives A Positive Review: Slideshow -- Aol Defense
Boeing Sees F-18 Program Growth In U.S. And Abroad -- Aviation Week
US Military close to developing Hypersonic bombers -- NDTV
Pentagon Official: No Plan To Counter Sequestration -- Defense News
Military contractors to testify on potential defense cuts -- Washington Post
Cheney Joins Lockheed to Fight Defense Cuts -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Senators Suggest Sequester Compromise To Save Two Million Jobs -- Aol Defense
DOD Officials Explain Sequestration Dangers -- US Department of Defense
Study: WikiLeaked Data Can Predict Insurgent Attacks -- Danger Room
Here Are The 5 Most Damaging National Security Leaks Of The Past Year -- Business Insider
Is Sexual Violence Endemic to the U.S. Military? -- Mark Thompson, Time
Messing With Benefits? The All-Volunteer Force Won't Exist Much Longer -- Business Insider
States praised, others faulted, for policies toward military voters -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News
NASCAR military sponsorships facing fight -- USA Today
US military deaths in Afghanistan at 1,910 -- AP