Sorry, I Was Wrong! -- Max Hastings, Daily Mail
In this extraordinary recantation, Max Hastings, pro-European all his adult life, admits the EU is now a disaster which is blighting every aspect of British life - and crippling our recovery
Put aside the crash this week in European shares over the nightmare that is the Greek economy, and the fact remains that the EU is in dire straits, unprecedented in its history.
All my adult life, I have called myself a pro-European. I deplored Brussels’ follies as much as anyone, but went on hoping for better things. I believed Europe was broadly a force for good.
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Greece Should ‘Default Big’: Blejer -- Eliana Raszewski and Camila Russo, Bloomberg
What's the Matter With the French Banks? -- Nicolas Lecaussin, Wall Street Journal
With Kabul Under Attack, What Weakening Insurgency? -- Uri Friedman, Atlantic Wire
Israel’s hostile neighborhood -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Libya's new harvest: the seeds of democracy -- Larbi Sadiki, Al Jazeera
Building a free Libya -- Ali Suleiman Aujali, Washington Post
Why some Egyptians see military rulers as worse than Mubarak -- Kristen Chick, Christian Science Monitor
Lessons from the embassy takeover -- Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post
All my adult life, I have called myself a pro-European. I deplored Brussels’ follies as much as anyone, but went on hoping for better things. I believed Europe was broadly a force for good.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Greece Should ‘Default Big’: Blejer -- Eliana Raszewski and Camila Russo, Bloomberg
What's the Matter With the French Banks? -- Nicolas Lecaussin, Wall Street Journal
With Kabul Under Attack, What Weakening Insurgency? -- Uri Friedman, Atlantic Wire
Israel’s hostile neighborhood -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Libya's new harvest: the seeds of democracy -- Larbi Sadiki, Al Jazeera
Building a free Libya -- Ali Suleiman Aujali, Washington Post
Why some Egyptians see military rulers as worse than Mubarak -- Kristen Chick, Christian Science Monitor
Lessons from the embassy takeover -- Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post
What's the Matter With the French Banks? -- Nicolas Lecaussin, Wall Street Journal
With Kabul Under Attack, What Weakening Insurgency? -- Uri Friedman, Atlantic Wire
Israel’s hostile neighborhood -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Libya's new harvest: the seeds of democracy -- Larbi Sadiki, Al Jazeera
Building a free Libya -- Ali Suleiman Aujali, Washington Post
Why some Egyptians see military rulers as worse than Mubarak -- Kristen Chick, Christian Science Monitor
Lessons from the embassy takeover -- Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post
Egypt’s Arab Spring Blossoms Into War With Israel -- Robert Spencer, Human Events
India Beefs Up for Great Game -- Nitin Gokhale, The Diplomat
China's Imminent Collapse -- John Quiggin, National Interest
Is a ‘cyber 9/11′ inevitable? -- DoD Buzz
With Kabul Under Attack, What Weakening Insurgency? -- Uri Friedman, Atlantic Wire
Israel’s hostile neighborhood -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Libya's new harvest: the seeds of democracy -- Larbi Sadiki, Al Jazeera
Building a free Libya -- Ali Suleiman Aujali, Washington Post
Why some Egyptians see military rulers as worse than Mubarak -- Kristen Chick, Christian Science Monitor
Lessons from the embassy takeover -- Caroline Glick, Jerusalem Post
Egypt’s Arab Spring Blossoms Into War With Israel -- Robert Spencer, Human Events
India Beefs Up for Great Game -- Nitin Gokhale, The Diplomat
China's Imminent Collapse -- John Quiggin, National Interest
Is a ‘cyber 9/11′ inevitable? -- DoD Buzz