Towards A Regional Solution In Afghanistan -- Chinmaya R. Gharekhan, The Hindu
Many observers have suggested that perhaps the best way to seek salvation for Afghanistan's difficulties is to strive to restore that country to its traditional stance of neutrality.
The eminent scholar, Hamid Ansari, and this writer proposed nearly seven years ago (The Hindu, December 24, 2003) a ‘neutral' status as the best possible solution for Afghanistan's persistent problems. Since then, much water has flowed down the Amu Darya. The country has gone through, and is still experiencing, unending violence, assassinations and instability. The international community, with the United States in the lead, has invested a huge effort in human and material terms to assist Afghanistan over the past 10 years to achieve a degree of calm and security. But the results have been less than hoped for.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Africa Hungers for Good Governance -- Wall Street Journal editorial
We are edging towards the partition of Libya -- The Telegraph editorial
Who Is Killing Iran's Nuclear Scientists? -- Matthew Cole and Mark Schone, ABC News
China's Other Revolution -- Edward Steinfeld, Real Clear World
Africa's famine: The world's worst food crisis in a half century -- The Week
Famine in the Horn of Africa: why the world is slow to respond -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
Why Africa's Drought Is So Catastrophic -- Stewart M. Patrick, The Atlantic
How Al Shabaab Recruited 40 Americans Since 2007 -- Alana Goodman, Commentary
How do you prevent a terror attack? -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Where is Europe’s Foreign Policy? -- Giles Merritt, Project Syndicate
The New Rules: The New World Order-After-Next -- Thomas P.M. Barnett, World Politics Review
Freedom of Information Act needs a push -- Washington Post editorial