How Will We Leave Afghanistan and Iraq? -- Max Boot, Commentary
One passage jumped out at me from President Obama’s speech to the UN General Assembly. Much of the speech was filled by commendable expressions of support for the Arab Spring; I was cheered, in particular, to see him include condemnation, however brief, of Iranian human rights violations. But what jumped out at me was what he said about our own commitment in Iraq and Afghanistan:
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
A rising hydro-hegemon raising worries downstream - -Brahma Chellaney, Japan Times
Iran vs. NATO: The Twilight War in Syria -- Austin Bay, Real Clear Politics
Negotiation Can Work With North Korea -- Leon V. Sigal, Foreign Affairs
Changing the direction of U.S.-Pakistan relations -- George Perkovich, L.A. Times
Obama Admin. Ignored Saudi Pleas to Combat Takeover of Lebanon -- Phillip Smyth, Pajamas Media
Iran vs. Saudi Arabia -- Q&A with Karim Sadjadpour and Chris Boucek, CNN
White House bickering and Taiwan’s F-16s -- John J. Tkacik Jr., Washington Times
Turkey’s Leadership -- New York Times editorial
Europe's leaders do not get the gravity of task they face -- Arthur Beesley, Irish Times
Why Euro Breaking Up Is So Hard to Do -- Martin Wolf, CNBC/Financial Times
Shadow of Europe's communist past haunts Greek/euro-zone debt crisis -- David Paulin, American Thinker
China's solar disaster -- Kedar Pavgi, Foreign Policy