Senators Take Aim at Stealth Jet -- Wall Street Journal
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Pentagon’s costliest weapons program, has long presented a target for budget cutters: In fiscal 2012, the Obama administration requested $9.7 billion for development and procurement of the stealthy, supersonic aircraft.
But if recommendations issued Tuesday by the Senate Appropriations Committee’s defense panel hold, the F-35 is in line for a smaller share of the budget pie.
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More News On The F-35
Senate Appropriators Slice $700M Off JSF -- Aviation Week
Inouye Cuts $695 Million From F-35, Cancels JLTV -- National Journal
Senate appropriators: Kill JLTV, cut JSF $695M -- Marine Times
Pentagon Caused Most of the Increases in F-35 Costs, so it Can Fix Them -- Defpro
What's The Price Tag For a Production F-35? -- Defense News
True Cost of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Won’t Be Known Until Actual Production Begins Says JSF Program Official -- Ottawa Citizen
DoD Takes Second Look At JSF Alternate Engine -- Aol Defense
GE Exec: Military Business Future Hangs On F-35 -- Aviation Week/Reuters
Marines in SC getting ready for new F-35 jets -- Houston Chronicle
Global partners monitor U.S. F-35 program: Lockheed -- Yahoo News/Reuters
F-35 called part of U.S. security infrastructure -- Reuters