Iraq Rejects US Request To Maintain Bases After Troop Withdrawal -- The Guardian
Obama announces the full withdrawal of troops from Iraq but fails to persuade Nouri al-Maliki to allow US to keep bases there.
The US suffered a major diplomatic and military rebuff on Friday when Iraq finally rejected its pleas to maintain bases in the country beyond this year.
Barack Obama announced at a White House press conference that all American troops will leave Iraq by the end of December, a decision forced by the final collapse of lengthy talks between the US and the Iraqi government on the issue.
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The Iraq War Ain’t Over, No Matter What Obama Says -- Spencer Ackerman, The Danger Room
Panetta: Military's Role to Be Discussed With Iraq -- New York Times/AP
U.S. departure will leave Iraq on its own in a sea of conflict -- Roy Gutman, McClatchy Newspapers
Officials: U.S. drone fired on Gadhafi convoy -- Navy Times
NATO agrees to wind down in Libya over 10 days -- Stars and Stripes/AP
S. Korea’s New Stealth Fighter Design -- Defense Tech
China’s military launches diplomatic charm offensive amid concerns over rapid expansion -- Washington Post
New British Navy destroyer sets sail from Glasgow -- STV
Electronic Weapons: EuroHawk Hears All -- Strategy Page
India to deploy Bomb Drop Dog -- The Telegraph
F-22 Raptors at Langley Grounded After Oxygen Problem -- FOX News
Marines, SOF May Get A Piece Of LCS -- Aol Defense
A joint Navy-Air Force ballistic missile? -- DoD Buzz
Darpa Robots Will Turn Dead Satellites Into a Zombie Orbital Array -- Andrew Tarantola, The Danger Room/
Congress open to cost-cutting changes in military benefits; veterans groups fight back -- Washington Post
Vets say the VA fails to give former warriors preference in contracting -- McClatchy News
Locals raise funds to return vets to Pearl Harbor (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW) -- NWF Daily News
US military sexual assault and rape 'epidemic' -- Al Jazeera
Seeing Limits to ‘New’ Kind of War in Libya -- Thom Shanker and Eric Schmitt, New York Times
Can Libya really be a 'model' for future US military action? -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor
Long War Transforms Military -- Wall Street Journal
Will Congress Pull the Trigger and Shoot the U.S. Military? -- Mackenzie Eaglen, Aol Defense