Homeland Security Tries To Shore Up Nation’s Cyber Defenses -- Washington Post
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — Screens glowed, mice clicked and lines of code scrolled on the laptop monitors of a hacker team hired by Barney Advanced Domestic Chemical Co. — or BAD Company — to break into a rival firm’s computer network.
In another room here at Idaho National Laboratory, a computer operator noticed something wrong. “They’re hitting one of our servers!” he said. The lights in the control room soon failed, and liquid gushed from a set of tanks as green and red lights flashed.
“We’ve got a spillover!” shouted the supervisor. “Call the hazmat team!”
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My Comment: The key sentence in this post is the following ....
.... Meanwhile, the skills of nations and hackers are growing, even as more infrastructure vulnerabilities are detected.
In short .... it is only a question of time before a major and successful attack has occurred. And then the big question is .... what will we do next.