Egypt's Next Big Moment -- Khairi Abaza, FOX News
With only days left before Egyptians are expected to vote in their first elections since the fall of president Hosni Mubarak, thousands of people have taken to the streets to pressure the military to relax its grip on power. On Tuesday, the prime minister and cabinet resigned, and the ruling military council pledged to transfer power to a civilian government by July 1, 2012. Whether or not they deliver on their promise remains to be seen.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Q&A-What is driving Egypt's protests? -- Reuters
6 Key Questions on Egypt's Escalating Violence -- Thanassis Cambanis, The Atlantic
Will Egypt's generals listen to Cairo protesters now? -- David Blair, The Telegraph
Egypt’s revolution is beginning to turn sour -- Telegraph editorial
As Egyptians protest anew, the Obama administration again enables the generals -- Washington Post editorial
Tahrir Square Crisis Forces Egypt's Military to Change its Plans -- Tony Karon, Time
Revolution 2.0: The military junta in Cairo has done a dismal job ruling Egypt. And now it's paying the price. -- Steven A. Cook, Foreign Policy
Egypt's army fails to grasp the post-Mubarak realities -- Faisal Al Yafai, The National
After Proliferation: How to Deter Iran When it Goes Nuclear -- Joshua Rovner, The National Interest
New Symbolic Iran Sanctions Mean Nothing -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary
Canada: Haven of choice for Iran's elite -- Payam Akhavan, Toronto Star
Why night raids in Afghanistan should continue -- Jason Thomas, ABC News (Australia)
Is Afghanistan more violent? -- Michael O'Hanlon, Politico
The Saudi Enigma -- David Ignatius, Real Clear World/Washington Post
Africa isn't a lost cause, and global consumers are making a difference -- Tim Kunin, Christian Science Monitor
In Hell the bureaucracy is run by the Italians and Greeks and everything is paid for by the Germans -- Ed West, The Telegraph
Fear of a German Europe -- Joshua Keating, Foreign Policy
Wising up Uncle Sam to cybertricks -- Daniel B. Poneman, The Washington Times