My Comment: So .... was the Iraq war "worth it"? I was a critic before the war .... always arguing on why we should not get involved. But when the war started I then became a voracious critic on our tactics to win it .... because I wanted us to win so that we can then get out of that country ASAP. The Iraq/Afghan/War on Terror conflicts have shown the world that America is unbeatable on the battlefield .... but our weaknesses become evident after the major battles have been won. We are lousy military occupiers, and if we carry that lesson with us into the next war .... I would then have to say that the Iraq war was worth it for the simple reason that in the next "war of choice" we may decide to not get involved .... a prospect and mindset that I hope will last for at least the next generation or two of Americans.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Commentary -- WNU Editor
Retrospective Of Iraq War (Video)
My Comment: So .... was the Iraq war "worth it"? I was a critic before the war .... always arguing on why we should not get involved. But when the war started I then became a voracious critic on our tactics to win it .... because I wanted us to win so that we can then get out of that country ASAP. The Iraq/Afghan/War on Terror conflicts have shown the world that America is unbeatable on the battlefield .... but our weaknesses become evident after the major battles have been won. We are lousy military occupiers, and if we carry that lesson with us into the next war .... I would then have to say that the Iraq war was worth it for the simple reason that in the next "war of choice" we may decide to not get involved .... a prospect and mindset that I hope will last for at least the next generation or two of Americans.