WNU Editor: This is actually not an accurate number. I only put a counter on this blog a few years after I had started blogging, so I probably reached this milestone a year or two ago. Still .... it is good to "officially" see the over three million mark (and 4.7 million page views) .... a milestone that I never thought was going to be reached.
The reason why is simple .... I only started this blog to (1) work on my English, and (2) to keep current on international news and events that had a military/war angle. What I never expected was to be exposed to a community that is exciting, interesting, informative, and making a difference on issues that range from national security, international politics, and to the future of our armed forces.
If I have had a regret, it is that I do not have the time to research and write on topics and stories that no one else is covering. I am involved in other projects .... and juggling everything is sometimes very difficult. And while I do not make money on this blog .... my ads only generate coffee money .... I do love what I am doing on this blog .... and every morning when I wake up I am eager and hungry to learn more, and to post what I discover on War News Updates for all of you to read.
I have many individuals and web sites to thank in making this a successful blog in the milblog/general community .... too many to list and waaaayyyyy too many too acknowledge. Suffice it to say that you know who you are .... and trust me .... I am always surprised, humbled, and honored to receive your attention, comments, and feedback.
Update: Someone asked so here is the answer .... in my 6 years of blogging for War News Updates I have posted 45,600 stories. Yup .... that's a lot of posts for one blog .... and a total that I do not think anyone else even comes close to in the milblogging community.
Now as to the quality of my content .... cough cough .... OK .... that's another story.