War With Iran? Consult History. -- Walter Rodgers, Christian Science Monitor
It sounds like war drums. Tehran says it will execute an alleged US spy and threatens to block the Strait of Hormuz. GOP presidential candidates talk of regime change and military strikes, and Obama is not cowed by Iran. But wars do not often turn out as envisioned.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that wars do not always end in the fashion that those who launch them expect.
The leaders of Israel and the United States urgently need to factor this historical reality into their plans on whether to risk war over Tehran’s suspected nuclear weapons program. And Iran must step back from an overreaction to sanctions that may well provoke a military conflict.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Iran: Another War That Nobody Wants -- Leon Hadar, Real Clear World
Five Reasons Not to Attack Iran -- Adam B. Lowther, The Diplomat
A Powerful Case for Force Against Iran -- Max Boot, Commentary
Iranian ‘Bluster’ May Exaggerate Risk to Hormuz Oil Shipping -- Indira A.R. Lakshmanan and Terry Atlas, Bloomberg Businessweek
Assad's Combative Speech: A Method to the Tyranny? -- Rania Abouzeid, Time
Will Assad's supporters flee to Israel? -- David Kenner, Foreign Policy
Libya's nasty new friend -- L.A. Times editorial
Washington Is Playing With Islamist Fire -- Ely Karmon, Jerusalem Post
What is behind Nigeria fuel protests? -- Stephanie Busari, CNN
Could Taiwan's relationship with China deteriorate after elections? -- Ralph Jennings, Christian Science Monitor
Asia’s New Tripartite Entente -- Brahma Chellaney, Project Syndicate
East Asian Economies Slump -- Gordon Chang, Forbes
Cameron is gambling with Scottish independence -- John Curtice, The Guardian
Fidel thinks Americans should vote for a robot over Obama -- Uri Friedman, Foreign Policy
America Abroad -- Roger Cohen, New York Times