Concordia Disaster: Should A Captain Go Down With His Ship? -- Theodore Dalrymple, The Telegraph
Captain Schettino abandoned his ship, but who’s to say how we would behave in a similar situation.
Courage is a virtue and heroism is admirable, but do we have a right to demand them? Which of us cannot look back on his or her own life and remember decisions, or compromises made, or silences kept because of cowardice, even when the penalties for courage were negligible?
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
US report on Afghan rampage raises questions about NATO’s exit -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor
Iran sanctions won’t work. Effectiveness of economic restrictions always erodes over time. -- Ivan Eland, The Washington Times
Iran is finding fewer buyers for its oil -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Fatal Failure: Did Aid Agencies Let Up To 100,000 Somalis Die in 2011? -- Alex Perry, Time
Analysis: Pakistani crisis shows army's limits -- Chris Brummitt, Stars and Stripes/AP
North Korea: World’s Worst Regime May Be Looking at Change -- William Pesek, Bloomberg
Another Guantanamo taint -- Kal Raustiala, L.A. Times
'Anglo-American Interests' and the Currency War Myth -- Stefan Kaiser, Spiegel Online
Scotland: Norway or Greece? -- Martin Hutchinson, Asia Times
Not Fade Away: Against the myth of American decline. -- Robert Kagan, The New Republic
Canada: China has our forests, now we’re sending our oilfields too -- Terry Glavin, National Post
Wikipedia blackout: Why even supporters question anti-SOPA move -- Gloria Goodale, Christian Science Monitor
Some Views on SOPA & PIPA -- Nick Gillespie, Reason