It’s Time To Arm The Syrian Opposition -- Daniel W. Drezner, The New Republic
It is a testimony to the relative powerlessness of American policymakers that much of what has already been accomplished to force the end of Bashar al-Assad’s autocratic rule in Syria—ongoing demonstrations; the growing defections within the ranks of a Syrian army that has already killed at least 5,000 protesters; the punishing international sanctions against Damascus; the Arab League’s expelling of Syria from its ranks, and its subsequent call for international intervention; powerful economic sanctions implemented by European Union, Turkey and the Arab League—has been in the absence of any significant U.S. action. Indeed, the current consensus among both diplomats in Damascus and intelligence officials in Washington is that, while he will not go easily, Bashar al-Assad’s regime cannot stay in power indefinitely.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Why Syrians Fight, and Why Their Civil War May be a Long One -- Tony Karon, Time
The 'Arm the FSA' Bandwagon -- Marc Lynch, Foreign Policy
The Gulf Is Where It's At -- Ray Takeyh, New York Times
Israel’s Dilemma: If It Attacks Iran, Will It Also Have to Hit Hizbullah? -- Bruce Riedel, Daily Beast
The Coming Israel–Iran Confrontation. A failure to support Israel would have dire consequences. -- Jack David, NRO
Who’s Not Listening to Israeli Soldiers? -- David Keyes, Commentary
Truly revolutionary: Arabs speaking well of Israel -- Frida Ghitis, McClatchy News
Egypt's NGO Crisis: How Will U.S. Aid Play in the Controversy? -- Abigail Hauslohner, Time
Why the U.S. should resist stoking the chaos in Cairo -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
In the Maldives, a Coup in Paradise -- Sumon K Chakrabarti, Daily Beast
Vázquez Mota and the 2012 Mexican Election. How the Incumbent Candidate Could Upend the Country's Politics -- Shannon K. O'Neil, Foreign Affairs
Impunity in Port-au-Prince -- Amy Wilentz, New York Times
Greece's Desperate Measures -- Yannis Palaiologos , American Prospect
Farewell to the Free Market? -- Nicole Gelinas, City Journal