Adios Global Hawk, U-2 Will Stick Around -- Defense Tech
Wow, so it looks like we’re seeing the first of the upcoming budget cuts for the Air Force trickle out. The AP is reporting that the Air Force is cancelling the RQ-4 Global Hawk high-altitude spy drone opting instead to keep the legendary U-2 Dragon Lady in service (for now, anyway)! Yup, the 50-year old U-2 is replacing its replacement for the second time. Remember, it the U-2 outlasted the SR-71 Blackbird, a plane also meant to replace it.
Read more ....
Exclusive: U.S. Air Force terminating Northrop unmanned plane -- Reuters
West Displays Gulf Military Power to Defiant Iran -- ABC News/AP
Video: Chinese soldiers passing a live grenade -- CBS
Russian Air Force Tests New Air-to-Air Missile -- RIA Novosti
Afghan army's night raiders ready to take control -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Eurocopter: Eyes JMR, X2 Speed Record -- Ares/Aviation Week
South Korea looking to buy Israel's Iron Dome aerial defense system -- Haaretz
U.S., S. Korean Troops Ready for Joint War Games -- Defense News/AFP
U.S. Shifts Policy on Nuclear Pacts -- Wall Street Journal
Air Force Leaders Say Strategy Calls for F-22, F-35 Capabilities -- US Department of Defense
Pentagon plans to cut almost half a trillion dollars in military spending, cancel programs -- National Post/Reuters
Report adds still more gloom to US Navy ship outlook -- DoD Buzz
Obama sets military as example for country -- Navy Times
Army Eyes Radical Changes To Tac Vehicle Fleet -- Aol Defense
No New Humvees? -- Ares/Aviation Week
The Pentagon is Getting into the Fertilizer Business -- Ares/Aviation Week
Combat Rations Change to Reflect Troops’ Palates -- US Department of Defense
The intruder in your computer -- DoD Buzz
LA Military Exercises -- KFI640 News
President Announces Picks for Top DOD Posts -- US Department of Defense
Pentagon Denies Downing Russian Mars Probe -- Danger Room
Marine in Haditha, Iraq, killings gets demotion, pay cut -- CNN
Silver Star awarded to combat controller -- US Air Force
Sundance documentary examines rape in US military --
Defense Cuts and America's Outdated Military -- Mackenzie Eaglen, Wall Street Journal
US Military Deaths in Afghanistan at 1,763 -- ABC News/AP