Some HASC, SASC Members Think $1 Trillion Cut Doable -- Aol Defense
The two congressional defense policy committees may not have a clear path to avoid a punishing sequestration of defense funds -- that big fat $600 billion cut triggered by the failure of the Supercommittee -- but they do have a plan to get their work done early so they can do what really counts on the Hill -- campaign for reelection.
That was the basic news that came out of a forum yesterday featuring Hill aides held by the Precision Strike Association.
Jenness Simler, a policy director for HASC chairman Buck McKeon, R-Calif., said that while most committee members believe "sequester is unacceptable," some committee members think that defense could handle the $1-trillion reduction that sequester would impose.
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My Comment: It's only a matter of time before they then start talking about having even more cuts.