Italian civilians are arrested in Rome by German troops following the partisan attack on occupying soldiers in Via Rasella a day earlier. Bundesarchiv Bild 101I-312-0983-03 / Foto: Koch/ März 1944
How Postwar Germany Let War Criminals Go Free -- Spiegel Online
In the spring of 1944, Nazi troops massacred hundreds of Italian civilians in the Ardeatine Caves near Rome. After World War II came to an end, however, the German government did little to track down the perpetrators. At the time, both Rome and Bonn were more interested in politics than justice.
Prior to World War II, the Ardeatine Caves were mined for the volcanic material known as tuff for use in cement production. But by March 24, 1944, production had long since ceased. On that day, torches inside the cave's corridors and hollows provided makeshift lighting. Outside, in the afternoon sun, trucks were hauling prisoners to the site -- a total of 335 men, the youngest of whom was only 15. They were all Italian.
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My Comment: My nationality is Russian .... so I do not think that I need to tell anyone what I feel about Nazis and the incredible war crimes that they committed on the steppes of Russia. The sad fact is that the Germans had zero interest to bring war criminals to justice .... because to do so would have indited a huge percentage of the German nation. What bothers me is the reaction of the Italians ... then and now. Innocents were murdered, but the reaction to it is .... so what. It's history and it is time to move on.
Sighhhh ....