North Korea: The Denuclearisation Dance Resumes -- Aidan Foster-Carter, BBC
North Korea loves to spring surprises. More unusual is for its US foe to play along.
Just a few days ago, both sides were blandly non-committal about the outcome of bilateral talks - their third in recent months - held in Beijing on 23-24 February.
This calculated coyness, it now seems, concealed quite a breakthrough. Presumably both sides needed a few more days to fine-tune the small print.
So Wednesday's simultaneous announcement from Washington and Pyongyang was both unexpected, and glad tidings.
The North Korean nuclear issue, stalemated for the past three years, is now back in play again - not before time.
Read more ....
North Korea nuclear moratorium: Will it last? -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
Can Diplomacy Solve Iranian Nuclear Crisis? -- Meredith Buel, Voice of America
US thinks Iranian retaliation would be calculated' -- Jerusalem Post
Do Israelis support a strike on Iran? -- Shibley Telhami, Politico
Syria's uprising is being crushed but Assad cannot escape his fate -- Fares Chamseddine, The Guardian
The relentless violence in Syria: By the numbers -- The Week
A crucial referendum -- Irish Times editorial
The prohibition of drugs has been an abject failure with a devastating human cost -- James Bloodworth, The Independent
Empty Politics Pose Biggest Threat to U.S. Power -- Clive Crook, Bloomberg
Brazil's New Swagger -- David Rothkopf, Foreign Relations
Afghans Don't Hate America -- Max Boot, Real Clear World/Wall Street Journal
A serious misstep in Afghanistan -- Alan Fisher, Al Jazeera
Read more ....
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
North Korea nuclear moratorium: Will it last? -- Howard LaFranchi, Christian Science Monitor
Can Diplomacy Solve Iranian Nuclear Crisis? -- Meredith Buel, Voice of America
US thinks Iranian retaliation would be calculated' -- Jerusalem Post
Do Israelis support a strike on Iran? -- Shibley Telhami, Politico
Syria's uprising is being crushed but Assad cannot escape his fate -- Fares Chamseddine, The Guardian
The relentless violence in Syria: By the numbers -- The Week
A crucial referendum -- Irish Times editorial
The prohibition of drugs has been an abject failure with a devastating human cost -- James Bloodworth, The Independent
Empty Politics Pose Biggest Threat to U.S. Power -- Clive Crook, Bloomberg
Brazil's New Swagger -- David Rothkopf, Foreign Relations
Afghans Don't Hate America -- Max Boot, Real Clear World/Wall Street Journal
A serious misstep in Afghanistan -- Alan Fisher, Al Jazeera
Syria's uprising is being crushed but Assad cannot escape his fate -- Fares Chamseddine, The Guardian
The relentless violence in Syria: By the numbers -- The Week
A crucial referendum -- Irish Times editorial
The prohibition of drugs has been an abject failure with a devastating human cost -- James Bloodworth, The Independent
Empty Politics Pose Biggest Threat to U.S. Power -- Clive Crook, Bloomberg
Brazil's New Swagger -- David Rothkopf, Foreign Relations
Afghans Don't Hate America -- Max Boot, Real Clear World/Wall Street Journal
A serious misstep in Afghanistan -- Alan Fisher, Al Jazeera
Despite the deepening crisis, the Afghan strategy is worth saving -- Washington post editorial
Pessimism grows after troops killed -- Jim Lobe, Asia Times
Afghanistan's Koran-burning protests: 'Time for us to leave'? -- The Week editorial
Why We Couldn't Change Afghanistan -- Michael Hart, The Atlantic
Commentary: Sad state of affairs in Afghanistan -- UPI
The relentless violence in Syria: By the numbers -- The Week
A crucial referendum -- Irish Times editorial
The prohibition of drugs has been an abject failure with a devastating human cost -- James Bloodworth, The Independent
Empty Politics Pose Biggest Threat to U.S. Power -- Clive Crook, Bloomberg
Brazil's New Swagger -- David Rothkopf, Foreign Relations
Afghans Don't Hate America -- Max Boot, Real Clear World/Wall Street Journal
A serious misstep in Afghanistan -- Alan Fisher, Al Jazeera
Despite the deepening crisis, the Afghan strategy is worth saving -- Washington post editorial
Pessimism grows after troops killed -- Jim Lobe, Asia Times
Afghanistan's Koran-burning protests: 'Time for us to leave'? -- The Week editorial
Why We Couldn't Change Afghanistan -- Michael Hart, The Atlantic
Commentary: Sad state of affairs in Afghanistan -- UPI