Waging War in Secret vs. American Democracy -- Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic
By fighting terrorism with covert CIA actions, President Obama deprives us of the ability to meaningfully evaluate American foreign policy.
The War in Iraq is mostly over. We're drawing down forces in Afghanistan. Barring an unexpected terrorist attack or another Libya-style troop deployment, Election 2012 will proceed in a world where the War on Terrorism is being waged by intelligence agencies making drone strikes in places like Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, and one in which we may be taking covert action inside Iran too.
In others words, much of American foreign policy will be a state secret.
Think about what that means for democracy.
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My Comment: While I doubt that U.S. policy will change if the Republicans gain the White House, I do have confidence that if President Obama is defeated in this year's election Democrats in Congress and in the media will not be as compliant as they are now, and will be more open to report the news that some in government may wish to keep secret.