What A Difference Three Years Makes: Weary Obama Looks Shell-Shocked Compared With Same Interview In 2009 When He Was Face Of Hope (And Is That The Same Shirt Mr President?) -- The Daily Mail
* Obama told NBC he does 'deserve a second term'
* Said Congress has stopped him from achieving his aims in last three years
* Spoke in 2009 interview of challenges to build bi-partisanship in Washington
Appearing shell-shocked and exhausted after three years as Commander in Chief, it was undeniable during President Barack Obama's television interview with NBC on Sunday that his time in office has taken its toll.
Tired and grey, his look was in sharp contrast to a 2009 interview shot days into his presidency, when he the face of hope and change.
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My Comment: I would not say that he looks "shell-shocked" .... but he definitely looks tired.