General: ‘Use Drones To Kill’ The Taliban In Pakistan -- Washington Times
Keane fears loss of Afghanistan progress
A longtime adviser to U.S. commanders in Afghanistan says now is the time for President Obama to change strategy and target Taliban leaders ensconced in Pakistan, using drones and other tactics employed to kill al Qaeda operatives over the past 10 years.
“We kill them. We use drones to kill them, just like we did al Qaeda,” said retired Army Gen. Jack Keane, just back from a two-week tour of the battlefield and consultations with U.S. commanders. “The president has to change the policy and issue a ‘finding’ that this is a covert operation under the province of the Central Intelligence Agency.”
A White House spokesman declined to comment Wednesday.
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My Comment: Many are voicing agreement with this point of view .... and I also share this opinion. If you do not kill the leadership of the enemy, they will only reconstitute their forces and continue the fight. But while targeting the leadership of the Taliban has a certain appeal, I doubt that the Obama administration are interested in escalating this war .... their priority right now is the opposite, and that is to get out of Afghanistan sooner rather than later.