Pentagon To Ease Restrictions On Women In Some Combat Roles -- Washington Post
The Pentagon said Thursday that it would ease some restrictions on women serving in combat roles, a step that in part codifies the reality on the ground in Afghanistan, where commanders have stretched rules to allow women to support ground combat units.
After a long-delayed review that had been ordered by Congress, the Defense Department said it would open about 14,000 combat-related positions that women had previously been excluded from — but would continue to prohibit them from serving in 238,000 other slots, nearly all of them in the Army and Marine Corps, as well as special operations forces. The changes will take effect in spring unless lawmakers intervene.
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More News On The Pentagon Easing Restriction On Women In Some Combat Roles
Sources: Pentagon rules shift on women in combat -- AP
New Pentagon rules could put women closer to combat -- Reuters
US to ease restrictions on women in combat -- AFP
Pentagon to Loosen Restrictions on Women in Combat -- New York Times
Women in combat: Pentagon opens door to front lines -- Christian Science Monitor
Pentagon to ease restrictions on women in combat -- L.A. Times
Pentagon Opening More Posts to Women Short of Ground-Combat Role -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Pentagon to Lift Some Restrictions on Women in Combat -- ABC News
U.S. to ease restrictions on women in combat: officials -- National Post/AFP
Pentagon Moves to Ease Restrictions on Women in Combat -- Voice of America
Pentagon wants more women on front lines but STILL denies them full-combat roles -- Daily Mail
Pentagon to OK Partial Lift on Women's Combat Ban --
DOD Opens More Jobs, Assignments to Military Women -- US Department of Defense
More combat opportunities for women, but still no infantry -- Stars and Stripes
The New Formal Roles for Women in Combat -- The Atlantic