Closing Tehran's Sanctions Loopholes -- Mark Dubowitz and Jonathan Schanzer, Wall Street Journal
The U.S. must take blanket action against all Iranian financial entities—and foreign institutions with Iranian business.
In his speech before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington on Sunday, President Barack Obama once again promised that the United States would not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.
Sanctions are a key element of the president's strategy to neutralize the Iranian threat. But the Iranian regime continues to find new ways to circumvent U.S. strictures, moving billions of dollars through the global financial system. This has afforded Tehran more time and space to advance its dangerous program.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
It’s the War, Stupid, Not the Nukes -- Michael Ledeen, PJ Media
A preemptive attack on Iran? US Jews are deeply divided. -- Ron Scherer, Christian Science Monitor
On Iran, patience and power -- L.A. Times editorial
The end of the Afghan war must be accelerated -- Independent editorial
How Obama Is Losing Afghanistan -- William A. Levinson, American Thinker
U.S., Pakistan take a breather -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
American Crisis, Chinese Opportunity -- Michael Auslin, Wall Street Journal
Resources fuel tensions in South China Sea -- Michael Richardson, Japan Times
Solving War Crimes With Wristbands: The Arrogance of 'Kony 2012' -- Kate Cronin-Furman & Amanda Taub, The Atlantic
If killing Kony means manipulating the masses, so be it -- Matt Gurney, National Post
Putin, the shadowy president of a shadow state that would put any mafia don to shame -- Alexander Boot, Daily Mail
Obama To Give Missile Secrets To Russia With Love? -- IBD Editorial
In Athens, Austerity’s Ugliness -- Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times
This fine Coalition government won’t see out 2013 – what a shame for Britain -- Peter Oborne, The Telegraph
Holder's troubling death-by-drone rules -- L.A. Times editorial
Mr. Obama, preserving flexibility on terrorism -- Washington Post editorial
Obama's Kill Doctrine -- Jonathan Turley, Foreign Policy