By Unknown Thursday, April 5, 2012 Damn, Nature, You Scary! A question about "duty to retreat": What does a predator on the hunt usually do when its targeted prey runs? Related Posts :The New ZumboWorld TravelersTactical ResourcesLA Officially RacistLast Night on Armed American RadioThe Apex of CivilizationEquity ManagementWe're the Only Ones Salting Away EnoughTarget AcquisitionDelay of GameYin and YangDocumentary to show ‘civil right’ to arms ‘under fire’Plan BComing Soon to a Neighborhood Near You?A Post-Purchase SurveyOh No, Not ANOTHER One...How to Commemorate 9/11Poll WatchersFor the ChildrenThis Day in History: September 11 Grab The Post URL URL: HTML link code: <a href="">bloggernizer: Damn, Nature, You Scary! "clickable"</a> BB (forum) link code: [url=]bloggernizer: Damn, Nature, You Scary! "clickable"[/url]