A tank moves along Red Square during a military parade: Russia spent nearly $72bn on arms in 2011. Photograph: Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters
Is Moscow Developing Super Duper Secret Mega Weapons? -- Simon Shuster, Time
Here is what the Kremlin wants you to believe about its secret weapons program: In about eight years, it may be able to warp your chromosomes, brainwash you with a "psycho-physical" mind zapper, and somehow release an invisible ray that turns diesel fuel into non-combustible goop, making engines stall within a radius of several miles. Never mind that most of this stuff would violate pretty much every law of physics. The Russian government is trying to outpace the Americans again, so propaganda is key. Physics is beside the point.
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My Comment: There are no super duper secret mega weapons in the Russian military .... this is all political theater and propaganda .... which is not working on the Russian public. Everyone in Russia knows that the Russian military is lacking in the basics .... food, socks, a place to sleep, a proper uniform, leadership, good officers, working equipment, cigarettes, etc. etc. etc.
Super duper secret mega weapons in the Russian military .... no way.