UK MoD Clearly Leans Back To F-35B After Carrier Retrofit Costs Soar -- Aol Defense
NATIONAL HARBOR, MD: Britain is the land of "the Lobby," a setup that grants an official group of reporters access to senior government officials --including the Prime Minister -- but does not allow them to attribute the information to anyone.
It is also the land that gave us the Chatham House Rule, that, when invoked means those attending an event "are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed."
Read more ....
Paper: U.K. Reverting to STOVL JSF for its Carriers -- Defense News
Possible Russian Responses to an Attack on Iran -- Defpro
Missiles of the world: A look at each country's arsenals -- DNA India
Benelux Defense Cooperaton Accord -- Ares/Aviation week
Seoul boasts of missile able to hit anywhere in North Korea -- Reuters
Russia Not to Deploy Bulava Missiles Before July -- Global Security Newswire
Russia to Test Fly First Combat Drone in 2014 -- RIA Novosti
Russian Military Orders Missile Early Warning Satellites -- RIA Novosti
India downplayed Agni-V's capability: Chinese experts -- Hindustan
Chinese media mock India's 'dwarf' missile -- BBC
Canada: F-35 costs study planning put off until Tuesday -- CBC
Oh Canada: The Fate of the Marines’ VH-71 Fleet -- Defense Tech
Here is Norway's New Long-Term Military Plans -- The Nordic Page
Chinese Espionage Campaign Targets U.S. Space Technology -- Bloomberg
U.S. military planning, but diplomacy still goal for dealing with Syria -- CNN
Joint Chiefs' leader: US will not send troops to Syria -- MSNBC
A Military and Intelligence Clash Over Spy Satellites -- New York Times
U.S. Missile Defense Counters Growing Threat -- US Department of Defense
Air Force Hypersonic Weapons Face Critical Tests -- National Defense
F-35 program at risk as Congress zeroes in on costs -- Standard Examiner
MRAP may get postwar roles after all -- DoD Buzz
Think Tank: DoD Should Focus On Directed Energy Weapons -- Defense News
Changing the Game: The Promise of Directed-Energy Weapons -- Defpro
Study recommends deploying lasers on ships, bases and planes -- Stars and Stripes
The U.S. Military Is Struggling to Police Itself in Afghanistan -- The Atlantic
Navy pursuing dismissal of two Marines for lying about Haditha -- Stars and Stripes
Navy Commander Fired Over Falsified Records --
A Few Good Women: Marines Open Infantry to Females -- Danger Room
Secret Service and US military: Why prostitution can end careers -- Brad Knickerbocker, Christian Science Monitor
After nearly 40 years, Marine pilot talks about UFO encounter -- PNJ