Guest-starring Dolly the GOP Leadership Ewe. [More]
Vanderboegh checks in, and in his condition he's in no mood for this unprincipled nonsense.
And hey--all this time, I never knew his middle name! Once more, I am envious. Jeez, what's a feller gotta do, put a moose around Malik's neck? Maybe if I start pushing the "progressives in the body politic are the cultural equivalent of flesh-eating bacteria" meme a little harder...
Vanderboegh checks in, and in his condition he's in no mood for this unprincipled nonsense.
And hey--all this time, I never knew his middle name! Once more, I am envious. Jeez, what's a feller gotta do, put a moose around Malik's neck? Maybe if I start pushing the "progressives in the body politic are the cultural equivalent of flesh-eating bacteria" meme a little harder...