Why Rapists In Military Get Away With It -- Jackie Speier, CNN
(CNN) -- If you serve in the U.S. military and you rape or sexually assault a fellow service member, chances are you won't be punished. In fact, you have an estimated 86.5% chance of keeping your crime a secret and a 92% chance of avoiding a court-martial.
These disturbing statistics illustrate an ongoing epidemic of rape and sexual assault in the military that Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta believes amounted to 19,000 incidents just in 2010. A culture of acceptance combined with few prosecutions against assailants and the conflicted chain of command structure discourages victims from reporting crimes.
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My Comment: Zero tolerance .... penalties that are harsh .... effective enforcement. The military is very good at enforcing conduct .... I expect them to also be exemplary in enforcing the law on this crime.
Update: Documentary film 'The Invisible War' takes on military sexual assault 'epidemic' -- MSNBC