Pentagon To Keep 2006 Spending Power With Cuts, CBO Says -- Bloomberg
The Pentagon’s basic budget for next year will be larger than in 2006 when adjusted for inflation even if automatic budget cuts take effect, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
The Department of Defense’s $526 billion request for fiscal 2013, not including war spending, reflects a reduction of $45 billion from previous plans. If automatic cuts known as sequestration take effect in January, the funding would be further reduced to $469 billion, the nonpartisan CBO said in a report released yesterday.
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My Comment: I can just imagine the chaos that would sweep the Pentagon if sequestration does occur. I do know that there are many wasteful programs that could (and should) be cut, but with no planning and no vision of what a future US military should look like .... sequestration would only produce panic among the "bean counters" and the top staff .... and cutting will be done ad hoc.
Update: Here is a good analysis on what defense cuts will mean without sequestration taking place.