Stuxnet And Flame – Gaining Time For An Attack Against Iran? -- Defpro
Is the Cyber War Against Iran a Preliminary Stage to Further Military Action?
09:58 GMT, July 5, 2012 Threats by malware in the internet, such as computer viruses, worms and complex spyware are omnipresent. Each day new malware is being introduced into the Internet, with the potential to cause significant economical damage during the course of a year. Users who want to protect their computers against such attacks currently rely on anti-virus programmes, which autonomously update themselves to be able to automatically ward off even the latest threats. Unfortunately, many users take this protection technology for granted, to the extent that they no longer bother about the danger of attacks from the Web. Awareness of computer safety issues is mostly not sharpened until a virus attack occurs on the personal computer. But by then it is generally too late, and considerable damage to the computer (or, worse, an entire computer network) cannot be prevented.
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My Comment: A detailed analysis on cyber war and how it can lead to a more conventional conflict. In reference to Iran .... The strategy has always been one of buying time .... including launching cyber attacks.