So sorry to hear about [INSERT NAME HERE] [More]
One of the most heart-wrenching scenes in Mel Gibson's brilliant "We Were Soldiers" deals with the way death notices were delivered to the wives.
I'll not ask my mother how her parents got the news about her kid brother, my Uncle Nick. Some years back a friend went to Italy to visit relatives living near Nettuno and took a photo of his grave. This was over 50 years after the fact and it still made her weep.
I saw McCain seemingly making the case for Syrian intervention last night in his RNC speech and wondered why he was not pelted off the stage instead of cheered.
One of the most heart-wrenching scenes in Mel Gibson's brilliant "We Were Soldiers" deals with the way death notices were delivered to the wives.
I'll not ask my mother how her parents got the news about her kid brother, my Uncle Nick. Some years back a friend went to Italy to visit relatives living near Nettuno and took a photo of his grave. This was over 50 years after the fact and it still made her weep.
I saw McCain seemingly making the case for Syrian intervention last night in his RNC speech and wondered why he was not pelted off the stage instead of cheered.