Afghan National Army troops who survived the September 8, 2009, battle of Ganjgal, are, from left, Sgt. Mohammad Ali, Sgt. Mohammad Gul, Pvt. Nematullah, Sgt. Ataullah, Pvt. Arab Khan and Pvt. Abdullah Haq, Ali Safi/MCT
Afghan Survivors Of Ganjgal Battle Dispute Official Account Of Medal Of Honor Feats -- McClatchy News
ASMAR, Afghanistan — Nine Afghan soldiers who survived a 2009 battle that brought the first Medal of Honor to a living Marine since the Vietnam War have disputed the official accounts of how Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer won the country’s highest military decoration.
The Afghans, whom U.S. military officials never interviewed , contradict key details of the narratives cited by President Barack Obama and the Marine Corps in awarding the decoration to Meyer for his actions during a battle that took place in the Ganjgal Valley in Afghanistan three years ago this past weekend.
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My Comment: The fog of war is one thing .... but there are too many contradictions in the official account and what others are now saying. As to U.S. Army Capt. William Swenson and his heroic role in this battle .... I have been commenting on this story for the past two years.