U.S. Military Won't Have Role In Probe Of Libya Consulate Attack -- McClatchy News
WASHINGTON — American warships will prowl the waters off the Libyan coast and surveillance drones will buzz the skies overhead, but Defense Department officials said Thursday that catching the people who attacked the American consulate in Benghazi and killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans will involve an on-the-scene investigation led likely by Libyans.
A U.S. antiterrorism security team composed of about 50 Marines arrived in Tripoli, the Libyan capital, Wednesday and will be responsible for the safety of the embassy but would not be an active part of the investigation, officials said.
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Military Hangs Back as FBI Hunts Benghazi Killers -- Danger Room
American Killed in Libya Was on Intel Mission to Track Weapons -- ABC News
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Panetta Set to Discuss U.S. Shift in Asia Trip -- New York Times
US, allies set to launch anti-mine naval exercises -- AP
F-22 Raptor's oxygen systems may be altered, Air Forces says -- McClacthy News
Stealth Jet’s Oxygen Woes Still a Mystery, Air Force Admits -- Danger Room
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Pearl Harbor survivor interred on USS Arizona -- Stars And Stripes/AP
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Lie about a military medal? A new Stolen Valor Act targets fraud -- L.A. Times
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