Iran’s Sloppy Spying -- Michael Weiss, NOW Lebanon
Controlled Engagement Policy may sound like a legal condition for Tom Cruise’s visitation rights with his daughter, but up until last week it was how Canada defined diplomacy with Iran. Basically, the relationship was one of North American nose-holding as the only real business Ottawa got up to with Tehran was over human rights, Iran’s nuclear program, its nefarious mucking about in the Middle East, and the 2003 case of a Canadian-Iranian photojournalist who died (or was killed) in Iranian custody.
There were never any ambassadors stationed in either country, just representations. But all that’s over now. Citing Tehran’s violation of UN resolutions, its military assistance of the Assad regime in Syria, and its chronic anti-Semitism and incitement to genocide, Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird said: “Canada has closed its embassy in Iran, effective immediately, and declared personae non gratae all remaining Iranian diplomats in Canada.”
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My Comment: As a Canadian .... I have no problem with Canada booting Iran out.