The Media Lash Out: Bashing Mitt’s Mideast Comments -- John Podhoretz, New York Post
The murders of US diplomats in Libya and the attempted storming of the US Embassy in Cairo took place 56 days before the election of America’s next president.
Apparently, it is the view of much of the mainstream media and foreign-policy establishment that discussing these horrific events in the course of the presidential campaign is monstrous.
One might think that these custodians of the public good would wish the discussion to be of nothing else. The United States and its representatives abroad have been attacked, and in a manner that threatens to spread like wildfire. You’d think everyone would agree it’s time to talk foreign policy.
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My Comment: A few years after the Soviet Union collapsed I had the good fortune of watching a seminar in Moscow on how the Soviet media had to operate during the time of Communism .... specifically on what they could (and could not) report .... and how it should be reported. But what struck me about this seminar was that all the journalists and news anchor persons that were present were universal in commenting that the most important part of their job was to work together and frame what would be the number one news story for that day .... and report on it extensively with their spin on it.
Yesterday .... I saw the U.S. main stream media do exactly that .... making Mitt Romney the story and not the U.S. foreign policy disaster that was unfolding in the Middle East. John Podhoretz is right .... media bias is now the norm for our large print and media news outlets .... and we the public are poorer for it.
Update: ABC, CBS, NBC Devote More Time (20 to 1) to Romney Flap Than Obama Mideast Mistakes -- News Busters