Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani Leader
Haqqani Network Should Be Designated A Terrorist Group -- Washington Post editorial
TWICE IN the past year, the Pakistan-based Haqqani network has launched attacks against the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and the nearby headquarters of the U.S.-led military coalition. It bombed India’s embassy and staged multiple assaults against hotels known for hosting U.S. nationals. It tried to assassinate Afghan President Hamid Karzai. It has close ties with al-Qaeda. As recently as Saturday, it detonated a truck bombnear a bazaar outside a U.S. base, killing at least a dozen civilians and wounding scores more.
The Obama administration is nevertheless having trouble deciding whether the Haqqani group should be designated as a foreign terrorist organization under State Department guidelines, which would pave the way for tough financial sanctions. That an internal debate reportedly goes on just days before a congressionally mandated Sept. 9 deadline for a decision is another reflection of the incoherence of U.S. policy toward both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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My Comment: I agree. If it walks like a duck. Squawks like a duck. And acts like a duck. It's a duck. In regards to the Haqqani network .... their behavior and actions has always been that of a military organization that uses terror strikes to advance their political goals.