Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran. © RIA Novosti. Andrei Reznichenko
Attacking Iran Would Be ‘Disastrous’ Russia Warns -- RT
As Iranians reel under the pressure of international sanctions, a Russian Deputy Foreign Minister said Washington’s unilateral sanction regime against Iran is a violation of international law.
Saying that Russia has found no evidence that Iran is intent on developing a weapon, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warned the United States and Israel on the “disastrous” consequences of attacking Iran.
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More News On Russian Concerns of A Military Strike Against Iran
Russia says attacking Iran would be "disastrous": Ifax -- Reuters
Russia Says No Evidence Iran Working On Nuclear Arms -- Radio Free Europe
Russia Warns Against an Israeli Strike Against Iran -- Yeshiva World
Moscow condemns US unilateral sanctions on Iran -- Voice of Russia