Afghan Police Recruits To Be Rescreened; U.S. Suspends Training -- L.A. Times
The Afghan village militia will be vetted for insurgent ties, officials say. Training of 1,000 new recruits is on hold after the latest 'insider' attack.
KABUL, Afghanistan — American special operations forces have suspended the training of new recruits to an Afghan village militia until the entire 16,000-member force can be rescreened for possible links to the insurgency, U.S. officials said Sunday.
The move is the latest repercussion from a series of "insider" shootings carried out by members of the Afghan police and army against Western troops. Forty-five NATO service members have been killed in such attacks this year, and the U.S. toll in August alone was 12 dead.
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More News On The Suspension Of Training For Afghan Local Afghan Militias
Training suspended for new Afghan recruits -- Washington Post
Hitting Pause in Afghanistan -- New York Times
ISAF: US temporarily halts training of Afghan police over attacks -- CNN
US Special Forces Suspend Training of Afghans -- Voice of America
U.S. Suspends Afghan Local Police Training for Further Vetting -- US Department of Defense
US suspends training of Afghan police forces amid uptick in insider attacks -- Christian Science Monitor
More News On The Suspension Of Training For Afghan Local Afghan Militias
Training suspended for new Afghan recruits -- Washington Post
Hitting Pause in Afghanistan -- New York Times
ISAF: US temporarily halts training of Afghan police over attacks -- CNN
US Special Forces Suspend Training of Afghans -- Voice of America
U.S. Suspends Afghan Local Police Training for Further Vetting -- US Department of Defense
US suspends training of Afghan police forces amid uptick in insider attacks -- Christian Science Monitor
US halts Afghan police training after attacks -- Al Jazeera
US suspends Afghan militia training after attacks on Nato forces -- The Telegraph
U.S. suspends Afghan security training -- UPI
My Comment: I read this as an admission that the program is screwed up .... and that coalition efforts to train a viable Afghan force to face the Taliban on the local level is failing.