Is The White House Weighing A Military Strike On Iran? -- Tony Karon, Time
The Israelis may be trying to make military action seem more palatable to the Administration, but diplomacy and sanctions will likely remain Washington's focus well into next year
Have some members of the Obama Administration been quaffing a ten-year-old jug of Kool Aid left in a White House basement fridge by Bush Administration officials? That’s certainly an impression conveyed by one unnamed source briefing Foreign Policy magazine’s David Rothkopf on talks between the Administration and the Israeli government. According to Rothkopf’s sources, Washington is now considering plans for a limited U.S.-Israeli raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, a strike so “surgical” that it could be over in a matter of hours. This ostensible military cakewalk would, according to “one advocate” cited by Rothkopf have a “transformative outcome: saving Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, reanimating the peace process, securing the Gulf, sending an unequivocal message to Russia and China, and assuring American ascendancy in the region for a decade to come.”
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My Comment: More speculation. As to what's my take .... there is nothing on the ground that tells me that the U.S. is positioning assets in the region that will be used in a strike on Iran's nuclear sites. When I see 3-4 aircraft carrier groups near the Persian Gulf, the cancellation of military leaves, and the B-2 fleet at Diego Garcia .... that is when I know that this is going to happen.