Libya Militias Lay Siege To Pro-Gadhafi City In Another Sign Of Chaos -- McClatchy News
CAIRO — Thousands of Libyan security force members and hundreds of militiamen have massed around the Libyan town of Bani Walid in a show of force that underscores how tense and fragile the country’s security situation remains, nearly one month after an attack by Islamist militants on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
The faceoff at Bani Walid pits militia forces once loyal to deposed dictator Moammar Gadhafi against Libyan security forces and militiamen from Misrata who were critical to the anti-Gadhafi uprising last year. The immediate cause is the death Sept. 25 of a militiaman who helped capture Gadhafi.
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Update #1: Libya's Bani Walid is shelled in standoff over rebel's death -- Reuters
Update #2: 'Gaddafi’s regime looks like a beacon of light compared to the current govt' -- RT
My Comment: The deliberate kidnapping and murder of the militiaman who helped capture Gaddafi last year is what is sparking this confrontation. This has now become a tribal fight .... and I suspect that the pro-Gaddafi stronghold of Bani Walidwill be paying dearly for what has happened.