Benghazi, Libya, Deteriorating Into Security Nightmare -- Washington Times
Security in Benghazi, the eastern Libyan city where four Americans were killed Sept. 11 in a terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate, has decayed to the point where Westerners are fleeing, assassinations and kidnappings are rife and residents worry that U.S. drone strikes on jihadist targets are imminent.
“The situation has obviously deteriorated. It is a systematic deterioration,” said longtime Benghazi resident Jalal Elgallal, who was spokesman of the now-defunct National Transitional Council.
Mr. Elgallal recently escaped harm from a nearby bomb blast as he waited in his car at a traffic light.
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My Comment: We helped the rebels to overthrow Gaddafi .... and we then walked away. It is clear that no one was prepared to govern Libya .... and what is worse .... there is little if any interest in the West to rectify the situation. And in this security vacuum we now have Jaihadist groups organizing and establish safe havens. Sighhh .... this is not going to end well.