Video From Benghazi Consulate Shows Organized Attack -- Daily Beast
Footage from the night of Sept. 11 might be the clearest evidence yet of a military-style assault on the consulate in Benghazi. Eli Lake reports.
Video footage from the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya, taken the night of the Sept. 11 anniversary attacks, shows an organized group of armed men attacking the compound, according to two U.S. intelligence officials who have seen the footage and are involved in the ongoing investigation. The footage, which was recovered from the site last week by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, offers some of the most tangible evidence yet that a military-style assault took place, according to these officials.
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My Comment: If true .... this report puts the final nail into the coffin on the White House story that this was a demonstration that got out of hand because of an anti-Islamic video.
Update #1: Maybe I spoke too soon .... according to the administration there is still no clear picture on the Benghazi attack. I guess numerous eyewitness accounts and now a collection of videos from a surveillance drone and on the consulate grounds is not definitive enough? Oh well .... this is a better line to pursue than blaming the Republicans for this story.
Update #2: From video to terrorist attack: a definitive timeline of administration statements on the Libya attack -- Washington Post