Russia: Friend or Foe? -- Anya Schmemann, National Interest
In last week's foreign-policy debate, while many countries and regions were left unmentioned, Russia was invoked ten times.
GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney defended his assertion that Russia is America’s “number-one geopolitical foe.” He added, “I'm not going to wear rose-colored glasses when it comes to Russia, or Mr. Putin.”
President Obama, whose administration considers the “reset” of relations with Russia one of its signature foreign-policy successes, accused Romney of being stuck in the Cold War mentality of the 1980s.
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My Comment: What's my take ... Russia is neither. If it was not for their nuclear forces, their input on the world stage would be minimal at best. As to what is the mindset in Russia itself .... the priority is to look inward and to solve the many chronic problems that Russia has .... i.e. demographic decline, economic decline, infrastructure problems, Islamic militancy, corruption ... coupled with growing political unrest and general unease for the future. As to what is the Russian view of the U.S. .... most do not care, and those who do care are the ones who want to immigrate to the U.S..