In Pentagon's 'Pivot' Toward Asia, Has Europe Been Forgotten? -- Anna Mulrine, Christian Science Monitor
President Obama is pushing the Pentagon to look toward Asia, but some worry that US attention could overbalance away from Europe, which remains the home of many core allies.
As the Pentagon sets its strategic sights on the Asia-Pacific region – warning of the rise of China and the growing importance of naval power – some US military commanders are concerned about the fate of America’s relationships with its traditional allies in Europe.
Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, who heads US Army Europe, recalls a recent visit he made to Ukraine with the US secretary of the Army.
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My Comment: Has Europe been forgotten in the Pentagon's pivot to Asia .... I would have to say yes. But Europe today is different .... the Cold War is over, and their focus is managing their economic and debt crisis .... not building up a military to confront a foe that may wish to do harm (when there is no real foe out there to confront them). Asia is a different story. it is where most of the world's population resides, it will soon have a majority stake of the world's economy, and there are adversaries and foes who do wish to do harm .... North Korea being the number one protagonist.