After Petraeus Scandal, Broadwell Grapples With 'Normal Life' -- CNN
In the aftermath of the affair that led to the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus, his biographer and paramour Paula Broadwell has remained publicly silent, turning instead to family and friends as she tries to assess just how news of the affair might impact her future. "It's been hard for her family and her to see the picture that's being painted of her," says Broadwell's brother, Steve Kranz, a Washington-based attorney. "Her real focus is her family and her husband and her boys and trying to restore the trust she had with her husband and trying to protect her children from the publicity."
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My Comment: This is news for CNN? And hiring a public relations firm!?!?! If they (i.e. the main stream media) put as much attention on the Benghazi scandal as they are on Paula Broadwell .... we may actually get some real answers and news.