David Petraeus’s Secret Trip To Libya After The Benghazi Attack -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast
Congress wants to know why David Petraeus took a classified trip to the country where U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was murdered—and what the general found out while he was there. Eli Lake reports.
Last month, as the FBI was closing in on his affair with Paula Broadwell and the political fight over Benghazi was heating up, David Petraeus made an undisclosed trip to Tripoli, Libya. The purpose of the trip, according to congressional and U.S. officials, was to examine what remained of the CIA’s presence in the country after the United States abandoned the agency’s base and nearby U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi after the Sept. 11 assassination of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.
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Update: Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein wants Petraeus to testify on Capitol Hill about the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, and is 'sure' it will happen -- New York Daily News
My Comment: Then CIA Director Petraeus must have known something was not right if he had to go to Benghazi (in secret) to find out what exactly happened. I have no proof .... I am relying on my own gut feelings .... but I suspect that what he found (and what was confirmed) will raise a few eyebrows if it becomes public.
Update: Confirmed: David Petraeus has agreed to voluntarily testify on Libya. Has notified all involved. Fox