Benghazi Rescue Was Impossible, Pentagon Swears -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
Despite the testimony of a top U.S. diplomat, Pentagon officials insisted there was just no way that a small team of special-operations forces could have saved four Americans in Benghazi during last September’s deadly attacks.
Gregory Hicks, the former chief of mission of the U.S. diplomatic mission to Libya, told the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday that a four-man special-operations team already in Tripoli was ordered not to go on to Benghazi as the crisis unfolded.
The team’s commander “Lt. Col. Gibson was furious,” Hicks said during an emotional hearing. “I had told him to go bring our people home. That’s what he wanted to do.”
“It’s the first time in my career that a diplomat has more balls than someone in the military,” Hicks quoted Gibson as saying.
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More News On The Pentagon's Explanation For It's Benghazi Actions
Pentagon Explains Use of Forces in Benghazi -- Wall Street Journal
Pentagon Disputes Claim That Military Could've Responded to Benghazi -- FOX News
State Dept. Whistleblowers Unclear on Lack of Military Response in Benghazi -- Defense News
Timeline: Military Response to Benghazi Attacks -- Wall Street Journal
My Comment: The Pentagon and the White House are stating the same thing .... U.S. military forces could not have arrived in time to participate or influence the attack. OK .... with hindsight they are stating the obvious, but they are also ignoring a very important point. It was during the attack that the decision was made to not send in U.S. military forces .... but who knew that the attack was going to end in a few hours .... after-all .... some battles can sometimes last for a day (if not more). It was this decision to not send in U.S. forces that deeply troubles me .... and makes me raise the obvious question. Who has the power and authority to order US forces to stand down when U.S. officials and citizens are under terrorist attack .... and what was the reason for issuing such an order when no one knew how long the battle and attack was going to last .... 5 minutes .... 5 hours .... a whole day? In short .... who has that power to overrule senior military and State Department officials?
The White House has (and is) refusing to answer this question .... and have gone to great lengths to even punish those who ask the wrong questions. Even those in the main stream media who have covered this story from the beginning are now being threatened. What can I now say but the following ..... if any of these reports are true, it is a dark day for those who believe in transparent government and accountability.
Update: The above video is riveting .... a description by Gregory Hicks on when he heard that the U.S. Benghazi consulate was under attack.