Petraeus To Testify Behind Closed Doors On Benghazi Friday -- CBS
Gen. David Petraeus will testify before a House Committee on the Libya embassy attack Friday morning, despite the ongoing FBI investigation into an extramarital affair that led to his resignation as director of the CIA.
The hearing to be held by the House Intelligence Committee is closed to the public and the media. Petraeus is expected to answer questions about the CIA's knowledge and handling of the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that left U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead. Two of those Americans were with the CIA.
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More News On Former CIA Director Petraeus To Testify On Benghazi
Ex-CIA Chief Petraeus to Testify About Benghazi Attack Investigation -- Voice of America
Petraeus will testify BEHIND CLOSED DOORS in Benghazi hearing - as he tells friends his affair was 'morally reprehensible' -- Daily Mail
Petraeus to testify on Libya attack -- SFGate/AP
Petraeus set to go before Intel committees on Benghazi attacks -- The Hill
Petraeus Agrees to Testify Before Senate -- ABC News
Petraeus to testify before Congress about Sept. 11 attack in Libya -- Washington Post
Petraeus to testify: What Congress wants to know about Benghazi attack -- Christian Science Monitor
My Comment: I expect nothing new in these hearings. Petraeus testified in September that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was the result of an anti-Muslim video .... so at the risk of perjury .... I do not see him deviating that far from that line. As to being behind closed doors .... that is unfortunate, but if his testimony paints the administration in a favorable light .... and he takes the blame for the Benghazi fiasco .... I will then expect his testimony to be leaked within 24 hours. If the testimony is unfavorable, I expect that testimony to be leaked within 48 hours.