A Benghazi Bombshell -- Marc A. Thiessen, Washington Post
The Obama administration wants to consign the Benghazi terrorist attack to the history books, but this week three State Department officials will tell Congress that the Obama administration’s version of history is false — and that the falsehoods it told the American people were willful and deliberate.
One of the whistleblowers, Mark Thompson, deputy coordinator for operations in the State Department’s counterterrorism bureau, was in direct, real-time communication with people on the ground during the Sept. 11, 2012, attack in Libya, before he was locked out of the room. Yet despite his firsthand knowledge of how the attack unfolded, he was not interviewed by the State Department’s Accountability Review Board, even though he asked to be. According to sources I spoke with, Thompson will testify that the circumstances under which Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans died have been “purposefully misrepresented” by the administration and that “all their public statements from the initial account to the talking points [that Ambassador Susan Rice used on the Sunday shows] were false, and they knew it.”
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The Benghazi Talking Points: And how they were changed to obscure the truth -- Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard
Op-Ed: Benghazi and Boston toward a Working Definition of Terrorism -- Karen Edwards, Digital Journal
Administration Knew Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack ‘From the Get-Go’ -- Rick Morin, PJ Media
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Commentaries, Opinions And Editorials On The Benghazi Attack
The Benghazi Talking Points: And how they were changed to obscure the truth -- Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard
Op-Ed: Benghazi and Boston toward a Working Definition of Terrorism -- Karen Edwards, Digital Journal
Administration Knew Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack ‘From the Get-Go’ -- Rick Morin, PJ Media
The Benghazi Talking Points: And how they were changed to obscure the truth -- Stephen F. Hayes, Weekly Standard
Op-Ed: Benghazi and Boston toward a Working Definition of Terrorism -- Karen Edwards, Digital Journal
Administration Knew Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack ‘From the Get-Go’ -- Rick Morin, PJ Media
Benghazi Blues -- Michael Walsh, PJ Media
Blowing a whistle on Benghazi -- Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times
Dead Americans in Benghazi should matter, but it’s up to you -- Mike Hashimoto, Dallas News
The Return of Clintonian Politics -- Seth Mandel, Commentary
Benghazi Whistleblowers Reveal Their Clinton Cover-up Moment -- Alexander Abad-Santos, The Atlantic
Op-Ed: Benghazi and Boston toward a Working Definition of Terrorism -- Karen Edwards, Digital Journal
Administration Knew Benghazi Was a Terrorist Attack ‘From the Get-Go’ -- Rick Morin, PJ Media
Benghazi Blues -- Michael Walsh, PJ Media
Blowing a whistle on Benghazi -- Jeffrey T. Kuhner, The Washington Times
Dead Americans in Benghazi should matter, but it’s up to you -- Mike Hashimoto, Dallas News
The Return of Clintonian Politics -- Seth Mandel, Commentary
Benghazi Whistleblowers Reveal Their Clinton Cover-up Moment -- Alexander Abad-Santos, The Atlantic